Choreography Workshops

and other learning opportunities

Let us get your people moving and grooving.  MoJazz Dance offers opportunities for our audiences to move with us and occasions for participants of your organization to learn choreography.

On the Spot — Dance with MoJazz!

After an ensemble performance, we invite audience members to follow the MoJazz leader, adding some jazz moves to their experience.

Onsite Dance Class Workshop

One 60-minute class for the participants of your organization, includes warm-up exercises, culminating in a dance routine.

Time to Develop—Onsite Dance Workshop Series

Four-to-six-week series at your organization, consisting of weekly 60-minute onsite sessions, culminating in an onsite performance by your participants.

Bring MoJazz to your organization!

Everybody can dance and appreciate dance as a form of expression.

  • MoJazz extends the joy of movement to include various ages, body types, ethnicities, and abilities.  

  • Dancing together keeps us active and promotes positive physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

  • We apply an infusion of dance styles, including jazz, modern, African, Caribbean, ballet, and movement in general.

Audrey Madison is a Guest Artist/Choreographer with the organization Dances for a Variable Population (DVP) since 2018, engaging participants of the Queensbridge Riis Senior Center.

They will be performing in DVP's Revival 8 Then & Now on these dates:

Saturday June 1, 2024 at Queensbridge Park

Saturday June 15, 2024 at Grant’s Tomb Memorial Park

Click here for more information
